RE-VisionFX Effections Plus v22.09.0 套装中英双语


RE:vision Effects is a research and development company focused on providing innovative, advanced custom software to create, modify, control, and enhance digital video imagery at the highest quality.Their products have a broad range of applications and are currently used in every phase of television, motion picture, internet and visual effects industries. The company supplies its cutting edge software through partnerships and direct sales for a large segment of customers ranging from at-home editors, wedding and other live event videographers, industrial video providers to those creating high-end effects for commercials, broadcast TV and big-budget films.

RE:Vision Effects v22.09.0包含插件目录:

DE:Flicker v2.2.2 视频去闪烁插件
DE:Noise v3.5.0 视频降噪插件
FieldsKit v4.0.1 动画反交错插件
PV Feather v1.8.1 逐点羽化插件
RE:Fill v3.0.0 智能修补和填充插件
RE:Flex v5.5.0 扭曲变形/变脸插件
RE:Grade v1.3.0 调色插件
RE:Lens v2.4.0 鱼眼广角镜头畸变扭曲修复插件
RE:Map v4.2.0 UV贴图映射插件
RE:Match v2.7.1 色彩匹配插件
RE:Zup v1.0.1 无损放大插件 (新插件)
ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro v6.4.0 RSMB动态模糊插件
Shade/Shape v5.0.0 形状阴影插件
SmoothKit v4.0.2 降噪磨皮美颜插件
Twixtor Pro v7.5.3 超级慢动作变速插件
Video Gogh v3.9.2 水彩油画插件

支持 Win 系统:

After Effects 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014

Premiere Pro 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014

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